
ViburnixBuilding Vibrant Communities



The Saviance Edge

Viburnix – a unique online community building portal is built to serve the basic needs of the organization and its stakeholders to Communicate, Collaborate, Connect, Control, Contribute and Create over the Cloud. This unique framework can be leveraged by different Industry Segments, such as, Corporates, Healthcare, Education, Financial Services and Social/Recreational Groups.

As a community building portal, Viburnix effectively engages its members and creates multiple points of adhesion throughout the organization based on affinity. This in turn provides opportunity for active engagement as well as Social & Professional Collaboration.

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Features & Benefits

Features & Benefits

Viburnix is completely customizable to the unique requirements of each enterprise. The fact that it is built on scalable technology and deployed in cloud gives an organization the complete freedom to choose the integration process and optimize cost on hosting and hardware. The integration of Viburnix in a cloud environment also makes it easy for users to access. The flexibility of the product also enables the organization to customize the look and feel of the portal. This product helps clients to achieve the following:

  • Make global teams connect at all levels
  • Harness the power of collaboration
  • Ensure the success of productive partnership

Key Features

Viburnix enables employees and the organization to collaborate and communicate socially as well as professionally. This software offers several features that enable different stakeholders to connect, communicate and share knowledge to create more opportunities for growth. Some key features of this product are:

  • Discussion Groups
  • Online Member Directory
  • Newsletters
  • Knowledge Repository
  • Mentorship Program
  • Notice Board
  • eStore
  • Social Media Integration
  • Events
  • Photo Gallery

SMART on the Go

SMART on the Go

A mobile integrated software, Viburnix that enables users to increase usage of the portal by making it available on the go. This cloud based solution is compatible across operating systems and devices and is also available as a Mobile App in the iTunes Store. Team Saviance uses the SMART framework that ensures successful user adoption by the consumers. This is the direct result of our expertise in customizing and personalizing for our clients’ unique requirements on the basis of Good User Experience Principles. In a world, where good design & experience is increasingly becoming the differentiator amongst competing products, we answer the client’s needs by taking an integrated approach that combines:

  • Information Architecture
  • Wireframe and Visual Designs
  • Interaction Design
  • Design Validation/ Evaluation
  • Testing and Research
  • Web analytics

Smart Framework

Smiles (Satisfaction)

Measures of user attitudes

Mind Share

No. of visits per user per week


No. of new/ unique users


Returning users

Task Success

Task completion rate/ time,



What is Viburnix?

Viburnix is a robust community building software which not only serves your community’s needs but also adds great value to your network. It gives a vital mission to your cause by collaborating with people across the globe through its various unique features. As a unified communication and collaboration platform, Viburnix enables the organization to leverage its national and international reputation to create a climate of engagement and benefaction necessary to building a vibrant community while building its brand identity. It brings together the most useful features of collaboration software and social networks into a system that empowers groups to easily communicate, share and network.

How is it different from Facebook or other social Networks?

Viburnix is not a destination or social network like Facebook or Linkedin. It’s not a software that you buy and need your IT staff to maintain, like Sharepoint and neither it is a listserv where emails sent back and forth live in your inbox like Yahoo! Groups. Viburnix is a social collaboration platform, uncluttered with the needless distractions often found in social Networks and are group-centric. It has been designed specifically to empower groups of all types and sizes to come together, share, socialize and make and effective community.

What are the benefits of using Viburnix ?

The benefit of an online forum is that it provides a platform for peers to connect, interact and build relationships with one another, as well as share information—be it in terms of career options or simple knowledge sharing, event updates or giving back to the organization in myriad ways. Viburnix provides members with a rich set of functionality to facilitate dialogue and exchange of ideas including:

Discussion Forums

Making the site a hub for information and discussion encourages visitors to return again and again. It's also a highly effective way of improving service to customers or users of the website. The discussion groups featured in the portal keep up to the forefront of new Internet innovations, while always keeping an eye on security and performance. In addition, features like Private messaging system, sort by topics, reporting offensive posts, marking spam also help make the forum a great place to interact and share ideas.

Rich Media Sharing

Multi-dimensional content allows members to use and post video, images, and audio to fully illustrate and share concepts across the community.

Customer Profiles

Individually customizable profiles, creating a community identity that organizes activity, participation, and connections.


The Event module features a centralized event calendar, easy-to-use online registration software for free and paid events, partner or sponsor management tools and attendee management focused on preparing all facets of a facility, providing the ability to efficiently organize information.


Reach out to the members for input and feedback on trends, product concepts, etc.


Electronic content delivery provides a way for organizations to communicate with their present and past employees on a scheduled basis. In the business-to-business arena, it is becoming increasingly important to find ways to maintain strong ties that build brand loyalty and solidify relationships

Do I get a subdomain under Viburnix or an independent domain?

The motive of Viburnix is in the brand building of an organization and thus, each client gets their own customized domain name (e.g. for an organization, the final URL would be like http://www.[companyname_community].com. It is not a subdomain under Viburnix or any other website. This gives the impression to any external visitor that the organization has separately developed the website and not merely subscribed to any particular community and helps in brand building.

Who will manage the system?

Saviance Technologies has a highly skilled development team that provides end-to-end support. The hosting and other development activities will be taken care of by our professional technical team. The content and profile management can be done by a system administrator, through a fully functional back-end panel or Content Management System. Our team of experts is always available for the training and to respond to any sort of queries/issues from the customer end. Saviance has also developed fully functional administration panel for the management and updates on the website.

Is the product customizable w.r.t to the features offered?

Viburnix comes with a comprehensive set of features which can be easily customized according to specific requirements of an institution which make it even more convenient for our client.

How is the data security, privacy and confidentiality ensured?

Saviance Technologies hosts the product on world-class US servers. Data security is guaranteed. We also sign a separate master level agreement, which ensures our clients that their data would not be utilized without their prior consent.

Is the data backed up to prevent data loss in emergency situations?

Yes, Saviance Technologies backs up data on a regular basis.

Is training required to get acquainted with the various portal features?

Viburnix is designed to be easy to learn and can be used immediately. The service is built to be extremely intuitive and user-friendly. At the same time, our team of experts is always available for the training and to respond to any sort of queries/issues from the customer end.

What is the approximate implementation cost of Viburnix?

Saviance is pleased to offer its client a flexible model for the Viburnix implementation. You can reach us at 1800- 634-8117 or email us at:

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